In this article, I’m going to share some considerations I’ve picked up along my creative journey in digital photography. The goal is to shed light on what truly matters and to debunk a few myths answering to the question “Which of the following is not true about digital photography?” I’ll provide my thoughts from my field experience that may help you in deciding your best approach to this format.

Camera Gear Doesn’t Automatically Guarantee Skill
Owning high-end camera gear is undoubtedly advantageous; however, it’s essential to recognize that it doesn’t inherently ensure exceptional results. In fact, an experienced photographer can produce remarkable outcomes even with modest equipment. Beyond the technical proficiency required to operate your gear effectively lies the pivotal role of creativity and artistic vision. These aspects distinguish professional-grade photographs from unique signature work.
Digital Manipulation
Some might argue that digital images mislead viewers. While it’s true that digital files are susceptible to manipulation, ranging from minor adjustments to significant enhancements, this process is known as editing and is an integral part of the creative journey, enabling photographers to accentuate their vision. I equate it to a painter experimenting with colors on a canvas. Therefore, editing should not be equated with deception.
Megapixel Misconception
Megapixels do not necessarily mean sharper images. You have to find the right synergy between various elements to achieve stunning clarity. Definitely, a larger camera sensor will work to your advantage, especially if you intend to crop without losing too much resolution and aim to print or display textures and accurate details. However, to achieve sharper images, you’ll need to optimize your camera settings.
Mac vs PC
The debate between Mac and PC for photo editing remains unresolved. Personally, I predominantly use Lightroom and Photoshop on a Mac for my editing. However, these software applications are also available on the PC platform. Therefore, I’d say there isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution, and it ultimately comes down to personal preference.
Personal Thoughts

These are my answers to the question “which of the following is not true about digital photography?” I found these points particularly interesting and I believe it’s important to address them, as they perpetuate misconceptions about digital photography.
I’m concluding this article by sharing insights from my experience in digital photography. At the time of writing this article, I shoot with a large sensor DSLR, although I also have an appreciation for film photography. However, I haven’t ventured into film because of aspects that I consider advantages offered by digital photography. While mirrorless cameras have gained significant popularity, they haven’t piqued my interest. I find that I have greater control with a DSLR, as I feel, it involves less technology, allowing me to craft my photos in a more personalized manner. However, it’s important to note that this preference is subjective and based on my personal experiences. It’s not a definitive judgment that others should adhere to or dismiss.
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